HydraTech Finishes Ahead of Schedule, Despite the Cold

A culvert in northern Ohio had been slowly degrading under a roadway. The shifting culvert’s joints were getting worse. Rocks and soil had become exposed at the joints and previously used repair methods such as grout had nearly entirely fallen away. If a repair was not implemented soon the continual freezing and thawing of the winter months would continue to shift the joints, threatening the above roadway with sinkholes.
HydraTite was selected as a long-term solution. 31 seals, ranging in width from 11” to 21”, were installed after the surface was cleaned and prepared. Many of the joints were severely separated and required backing plates as well.
HydraTech installed these seals despite partially frozen water still in the culvert. The ice was broken repeatedly and the field technicians had to take breaks to warm up, but HydraTech completed the project despite the temperature being 22 degrees Ferinheight.

As mentioned earlier, the freezing and thawing of winter meant that time was of the essence. HydraTech was scheduled to install for only 3 days but was able to finish the job in 2 days.
HydraTite, being a trenchless method, ensured that traffic was not impeded during the installation process. The quick turnkey solution was implemented before the freeze and thaw of the coming months exacerbated the culvert joint degradation which in turn protected against future sinkholes.
Project Overview