Making Our Presence Known In The Power Industry

HydraTech recently exhibited at ENERUM, a forum focused on energy (energy + forum, see what they did there). Exhibitors come to Columbus to represent all energy sectors within generation, transmission, and distribution. Its mission is to help provide a central solution to the reliability, safety, and resiliency of our energy future by incorporating everyone, from individuals involved in power generation, transmission, and distribution, to coal, nuclear, gas, CHP, hydro, HRSG, battery storage, and microgram.

HydraTech’s products are frequently used in power and utilities-related facilities. The three products Mike Fox chose to focus on at our booth were the HydraTite Internal Pipe Joint Seal, the HydraWrap Composite Repair System, and HydraLock. We discussed the application of HydraTite as a replacement expansion joint with several interested attendees. Mike explained how HydraWrap has been used to fight the effects of corrosion in the power industry.
The attendance rate has still not fully recovered from COVID-19, but the food was tasty, the booths were informative, and the displays were very cool. The first display you see when entering was the Delorean from Back To The Future. My favorite attendees were these two birds that kept flying by our booth. The whole thing was fun.