HydraTech Gets Together To Send Off 2021 With A Bang

HydraTech got together at the Century Inn, just a short drive from the Cincinnati office. It was one of the only times of the entire year that the majority of the employees were in the same place, as Field Services has had a busy year working all over the country. It was a welcome change of pace for everyone.

Before lunch was started, several games were played. One game that has become a tradition is employee trivia. Everyone sends in a few facts about themselves that they believe no one else knows and then everyone has to match up names to facts. This game was all the more difficult since Field Services employees had limited interactions with the Engineered Product employees this year. This game was the first chance for some people to match names with faces.
After the games, lunch arrived and everyone spent the remainder of the party eating and socializing. Another year and another fun company party.
Read about the next company outing at the Holiday Auto Theatre >